
The Online Catalogue of the German Speaking Children's Books Publishers

About Us

You want to get information on children's books publishers in the German speaking realm? You are looking for the right contact person in the publishing house? On our website www.kinder-und-jugendbuch-verlage.de you'll find all you need on this topic and a bit more!

Our Services


Here you get to know the German speaking children's books publishers. You get a summary on their program, their authors and illustrators and contacts in the publishing houses.

The Publishers


Here you find a listing of institutions which occupy themselves with children's literature. In addition you'll get more information on how to submit your manuscript.

Adresses & Tips


Here you find the current events of publishers.

All events

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©2022 E. A. Seemann Verlag in der E. A. Seemann Henschel GmbH & Co. KG, Leipzig
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Wie lebten Kinder "damals"? Aber Kinder sind neugierig, nicht nur auf die Welt um sie herum, nicht nur auf das, was morgen kommen wird, sondern auch auf das, was einmal war. Oft bitten sie deshalb Großeltern oder Eltern, ihnen von früher zu erzählen. Dass sich dieses Interesse im Geschichtsunterricht der Schule oft verliert, liegt nicht in erster Linie an den Kindern. Am liebsten hören sie,...

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Do you already know?

Magellan Verlag

The Publishing House and its History Magellan is a non-corporate company specializing in the publication of books for children and adolescents. Our aim is to present our readers with a new, innovative and irresistible style of book. We offer challenging works, which set us apart from the mainstream, optically as well as haptically. We launched our first titles in the autumn of 2014 – for all readers from 2 to 18. Keynote Orientation Ou...

Current awards

Klaus-Flugge-Preis 2021

Flavia Z. Drago: Gustavo the Shy Ghost

Evangelischer Buchpreis 2022

Tulipan Verlag

Nikola Huppertz: Schön wie die Acht

Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendmedienpreis 2023

Editions La Joie de lire

Elisa Shua Dusapin und Illustratorin Hélène Becquelin: Le Colibri

Preuschof-Preis für Kinderliteratur 2023

Ueberreuter Verlag

Rüdiger Bertram/Horst Hellmeier: Mega fette Beute